Adam Pease (use NPS email for government business) is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at NPS, and the founder of Articulate Software.
His research
is centered on the Suggested Upper
Merged Ontology, and Sigma ontology environment.
Video blog.
- Pease, A., (2025, to appear). Modal and Higher Order Logical Reasoning with SUMO.
in Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli, Tracy Holloway King, Stephen Pulman & Annie
Zaenen (eds.), Semantics at the Crossroads: From Theoretical Explorations to
Implementations, 165-186. Konstanz: PubliKon.
- Cheung-Pease, J., Pease, A., (2024).
Analysis of
Clarification Discourse of Interpreter-Moderate Courtroom
Using a Cantonese-English Bilingual Corpus. In
Corpora in Interpreting Studies: East Asian Perspectives,
ed Andrew K.F. Cheung, Kanglong Liu, Riccardo Moratto, Routledge, to appear.
- Groza, A., Lupu, D., and Pease, A. (2023).
Cross-validation of Answers with SUMO and GPT, to appear.
- Pease, A., Urban, J., Hůla, J. (2023).
Towards Open Domain English to Logic Translation,
in Proceedings of AI in Theorem Proving.
- Brown, C., Pease, A., and Urban, J. (2023)
Translating SUMO-K to Higher-Order Set Theory,
in Frontiers in Combining Systems (FroCoS).
- Brown, C., Pease, A., and Urban, J., (2022). Embedding SUMO into Set Theory, AI in Theorem Proving (Abstract).
- Goertzel, Z., Pease, A., and Urban, J., (2022). Project Proposal: Formal Ethics Ontology in SUMO, AI in Theorem Proving (Abstract).
- Pease, A., and Schulz, S., (2022). Contradiction Detection and Repair
a Large Theory, Proceedings of FLAIRS-35.
- Pease, A., Santos, P., and Rademaker, A., (2021).
A Corpus of Spatial Reasoning Problems (abstract),
In Proceedings of AI in Theorem Proving (AITP2021).
- Pease, A., (2021). Choosing a Logic
to Represent the Semantics of Natural Language.
appendix. In Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Logic and Argumentation (CLAR2021).
- Pease, A., and Schulz, S., (2021).
Learning Theorem Proving by Example - Implementing JavaRes,
Proceedings of the ThEdu workshop at CADE-28.
- Schmidt, D., Guizzardi, G., Pease, A., Trojahn, C., & Vieira, R. (2020).
Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey.
Semantic Web Journal, to appear.
- Pease, A., (2020).
A Programmer's Text Editor for a Logical Theory: The SUMOjEdit Editor (system description)
Proc. of IJCAR-2020: Vol. 12167, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- Schulz, S., Pease, A., (2020). Teaching Automated Theorem Proving by Example: PyRes 1.2 (system description).
Proc. of IJCAR-2020: Vol. 12167, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
- Schmidt, D., Pease, A., Trojahn, C., and Vieira, R., (2019).
Aligning Conference ontologies with SUMO: a report on manual alignment via WordNet. In
Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019 Episode V: The
Styrian Autumn of Ontology, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2019}, Adrien Barton, Selja Seppala and Daniele Porelloeds,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings vol 2518.
- Tessarollo, A., Rademaker, A., Pease, A., (2019). Extending SUMO to Geological Times,
ONTOBRAS 2019: 12th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil
- Mitrovic, J., Pease, A., Granitzer, M., (2019). Modeling Legal Terminology in SUMO, in Proceedings of Terminology
and Ontology: Theory and Applications (TOTh 2019).
- Pease, A., (2019). Arithmetic
and Inference in a Large Theory (extended abstract). Presented
at AITP-2019 Obergurgl, Austria.
- Nunes, D., Ferreira, L., Santos, P., and Pease, A., (2019). Representation
and Retrieval of Images by Means of Spatial Relations Between Objects, in Proceedings of AAAI-SSS-19.
- Pease, A., Cheung, J., and Cheung, A., (2019). Formal Ontology for Discourse Analysis of a Corpus
of Court Interpreting, Babel 64:4.
- Pease, A., and Huang, C-R. (2018). Ontology and Synesthesia: Language, Sense
and the Conceptual Inventory, Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Linguistic and Neuro-Cognitive Resources (LiNCR) at
- Pease, A., and Cheung, A.K.F., (2018). Toward A
Semantic Concordancer. In Proceedings of The 9th Global WordNet Conference,
Francis Bond, Christiane Fellbaum, Piek Vossen (eds).
- Schulz, S., Sutcliffe, G., Urban, J., Pease, A., (2017).
Detecting Inconsistencies in Large First-Order Knowledge Bases,
Proceedings of CADE 26, pp310-325, Springer.
- Reed, S, K. and Pease, A. (2016). Reasoning
from Imperfect Knowledge. J. Cognitive
Systems Research, Elsevier, vol 41, pp 56-72.
- Cai, Q., Gung, J., Guan, M., Kurlandski, G., and Pease, A., (2016). Word Substitution in Short Answer Extraction: A
WordNet-based Approach, in Proceedings of the Eighth Global WordNet
Conference, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Corina Forascu, Christiane Fellbaum, Piek
Vossen (eds), pp 66-73.
- Reed, S, K. and Pease, A. (2015). A framework for
constructing cognition ontologies using WordNet, FrameNet and SUMO. J of
Cognitive Systems Research (33), pp 122-144.
- Bond, F., Fellbaum, C., Hsieh, S-K., Huang, C-R., Pease, A., and Vossen, P., (2014).
A Multilingual Lexico-Semantic Database and Ontology, in
Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web, P. Buitelaar and P. Cimiano (eds), pp 243-258,
Springer-Verlag Berlin Hiedelberg.
- Quattri, F., Pease, A., McCrae, J., (2014). Default Physical Measurements in
SUMO, in Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
(CogALex), Dublin, Ireland, pp 138--143.
- Pease, A., Schulz, S., (2014). Knowledge
Engineering for Large Ontologies with Sigma KEE 3.0, in Proceedings of
- Cheung, J., Pease, A., and Cheung, A., (2014). Translation of First Person
Pronouns in a Legal Corpus: A Contrary Study, in proceedings of the Second Asia
Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014), W. Cheng (ed).
- Pease, A., Cheung, J., and Cheung, A., (2014). Formal Ontology for Discourse
Analysis on a Legal Corpus, in proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific Corpus
Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2014), W. Cheng (ed).
- Svarny, M. and Pease, A., (2013).
A logical
dictionary with granular process definitions. In Proceedings of AsiaLex 2013,
D. Kwary, N. Wulan and L. Musyahda, editors, Airlangga University Press.
- Cheung, J., Pease., A and Cheung, A., (2013). Application of Formal Ontology
to Discourse Analysis and Lexical Markup in Legal Interpreting. In
Proceedings of AsiaLex 2013, D. Kwary, N. Wulan and L. Musyahda, editors,
Airlangga University Press.
- Pease A., and Benzmüller C. (2013).
Sigma: An Integrated Development Environment for
Logical Theories. AI Communications 26, pp79-97.
- Pease, A., Li, J., and Nomorosa, K., (2012). WordNet and SUMO for Sentiment Analysis. In
Proceedings of the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2012),
Matsue, Japan.
- Benzmüller, C., and Pease, A., (2012). Higher-Order
Aspects and Context in SUMO.
J. of Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web.
Special issue on Reasoning with context in the Semantic Web, Edited by Jos
Lehmann, Ivan José Varzinczak and Alan Bundy, Volumes 12-13, Pages 1-160
(April 2012)
- Sutcliffe, G., and Pease, A., (2011).
is Surface Area Important to Normal Cell Function? Proceedings of the
Deep Knowledge Representation Challenge Workshop (Banff, Canada).
- Pease, A., (2011). Ontology: A Practical
Guide. Articulate Software Press, Angwin, CA. ISBN
- Cua, J., Manurung, R., Ong, E., and Pease, A., (2010). Representing Story
Plans in SUMO, Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on
Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity, Los Angeles, CA, June 5,
- Benzmüller, C., and Pease, A., (2010). Progress
in automating higher-order ontology reasoning. In Boris Konev, Renate
Schmidt, and Stephan Schulz, editors, Workshop on Practical Aspects of
Automated Reasoning (PAAR-2010), Edinburgh, UK, July 14th 2010. CEUR
Workshop Proceedings.
- Pease, A., and Benzmüller, C., (2010)
Ontology Archaeology: Mining a
Decade of Effort on the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology, in The ECAI-10 Workshop on
Automated Reasoning about Context and Ontology Evolution, ARCOE-10, August 16-17, 2010,
Lisbon, Portugal.
- Benzmüller C., and Pease A. (2010). Reasoning with Embedded Formulas and Modalities
in SUMO, in The ECAI-10 Workshop on Automated Reasoning about Context
and Ontology Evolution, ARCOE-10, August 16-17, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Pease, A., and Fellbaum, C., (2010) Formal
Ontology as Interlingua: The SUMO and WordNet Linking Project and
GlobalWordNet, In: Huang, C. R. et al (eds.) Ontologies and Lexical
Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 9780521886598.
- Pease, A., and Li, J. (2010) Controlled English to Logic
Translation. In Theory and Applications of Ontology, ed. Roberto
Poli, Michael Healy, and Achilles Kameas, Springer, ISBN: 978-90-481-8846-8.
- Borra, A., Pease, A., Roxas, R., Dita, S., (2010). Introducing Filipino WordNet, in Principles,
Construction and Application of Multilingual Wordnets: Proceedings of the
5th Global WordNet Conference, Mumbai, India, Pushpak Bhattacharyya,
Christiane Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, editors, Narosa pub, New Delhi
ISBN:978-81-8487-083-1, pp306-310.
- Pease, A., Sutcliffe, G., Siegel, N., and Trac, S., (2010). Large Theory Reasoning with SUMO at CASC, AI
Communications, Volume 23, Number 2-3 / 2010, Special issue on Practical
Aspects of Automated Reasoning, IOS Press, ISSN 0921-7126, pp 137-144.
- Pease, A., (2009) A Call for Executable
Linguistic Research. In Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference
on Language, Information and Computation, Cebu, Philippines, Nov 20-22,
2008, pp 58-64.
- de Melo, G., Suchanek, F., and Pease, A., (2008).
Integrating YAGO into the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology.
In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2008). IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA.
- Trac, S., Sutcliffe, G., and Pease, A., (2008) Integration of the TPTPWorld into SigmaKEE.
Proceedings of IJCAR '08 Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated
Reasoning (PAAR-2008). Volume 373 of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Pease, A., Sutcliffe, G., Siegel, N., and Trac, S., (2008) The Annual SUMO Reasoning Prizes at CASC.
Proceedings of IJCAR '08 Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated
Reasoning (PAAR-2008). Volume 373 of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
- Pease, A., and Rust, G., (2008) Formal Ontology for Media Rights Transactions, in
Semantic Web Methodologies for E-Business Applications, ed. Roberto Garcia.
IGI publishing.
- Pease, A., Fellbaum, C., and Vossen, P., (2008)
Building the Global WordNet Grid. Proceedings of
the CIL-18 Workshop on Linguistic Studies of Ontology, Seoul, South Korea.
- Horacio RodrÃguez, David Farwell, Javi Farreres, Manuel Bertran, Musa
Alkhalifa, M Antonia MartÃ, William Black, Sabri Elkateb, James Kirk, Adam
Pease, Piek Vossen, Christiane Fellbaum, (2008) Arabic wordnet: Current state
and future extensions, in Proceedings of The Fourth Global WordNet Conference,
Szeged, Hungary.
- Pease, A., and Sutcliffe, G., (2007)
Order Reasoning on a Large Ontology, in Proceedings
of the CADE-21 workshop on Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning on Large Theories
- Elkateb, S., Farreres, J., Fellbaum, C., Pease, A., and Black, W., (2006).
Arabic WordNet: A Linguistic Resource with a Deep Formal Semantic Foundation,
in Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Language
Engineeing, Cairo.
- Scheffczyk, J., Pease, A., Ellsworth, M., (2006).
FrameNet to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology, in Proceedings of
Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2006), B. Bennett and C.
Fellbaum, eds, IOS Press, pp 289-300.
- Elkateb, S., Black, W., Rodriguez, H, Alkhalifa, M., Vossen, P., Pease, A.
and Fellbaum, C., (2006). Building a
WordNet for Arabic, in Proceedings of The fifth international
conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006).
- Black, W., Elkateb, S., Rodriguez, H, Alkhalifa, M., Vossen, P., Pease, A.
and Fellbaum, C., (2006). Introducing
the Arabic WordNet Project, in Proceedings of the Third International
WordNet Conference, Sojka, Choi, Fellbaum and Vossen eds.
- Nickles, M., Pease, A., Schalley, A., and Zaefferer, D., (2006).
Ontologies across disciplines.
In: Schalley, Andrea C. & Zaefferer, D. (ed.):
Ontolinguistics. How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts.
in Vorbereitung Berlin, New York (Mouton de Gruyter), ISBN 978-3-11-018997-1.
- Pease, A., (2006).
representation of concepts:
The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology and its use in linguistics.
In: Schalley, Andrea C. & Zaefferer, D. (ed.):
Ontolinguistics. How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts.
in Vorbereitung Berlin, New York (Mouton de Gruyter), ISBN 978-3-11-018997-1.
- Gordon, T., and Pease, A., (2006).
RT Delphi: An Efficient,
"Round-less", Almost Real Time Delphi Method. In Technological
Forecasting and Social Change 73, pp 321-333.
- Reynolds, J., Pease, A., and Li, J., (2004).
Analogy and Deduction for Knowledge Discovery,
in Proceedings of the IEEE 2004 International Conference
on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Las Vegas, NV.
- Pease, A., and Li, J., (2004).
Agent-Mediated Knowledge
Engineering Collaboration. In Agent Mediated Knowledge Management
International Symposium AMKM 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, March 24-26, 2003, Revised and Invited Papers
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Elst, Luder van; Dignum, Virginia; Abecker, Andreas (Eds.)
2004, XI, 428 p. ISBN: 3-540-20868-2. Originally appeared as
- Pease, A., and Fellbaum, C., (2004). Language to Logic
Translation with PhraseBank, in Proceedings of the Second
International WordNet Conference (GWC 2004), Petr Sojka, Karel Pala,
Pavel Smrz, Christiane Fellbaum and Piek Vossen, eds. Masaryk University
Brno, Czech Republic, pp 187-192.
- Pease, A., and Murray, W., (2003). An English to
Logic Translator for Ontology-based Knowledge Representation Languages.
In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Natural
Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, Beijing, China, pp
- Pease, A., (2003). The Sigma Ontology
Development Environment, in Working Notes of the IJCAI-2003 Workshop
on Ontology and Distributed Systems. Volume 71 of CEUR Workshop
Proceeding series.
- Niles, I., and Pease, A., (2003). Linking Lexicons
and Ontologies: Mapping WordNet to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Engineering, pp 412-416.
- Murray, W.R., Pease, A., and Sams, M. (2003). Applying Formal Methods
and Representations in a Natural Language Tutor to Teach Tactical Reasoning.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED) conference, Sydney. pp 349-356. IOS
- Pease, A., (2003).
Linguistic Elements to Logical Expressions (abstract),
Workshop on Ontological Knowledge and Linguistic Coding at the 25th annual
meeting of the German Linguistics Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur
- Pease, A., (2002) Why Use
DAML? Whitepaper.
- Pease, A., Niles, I., Li, J., (2002),
The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology: A Large Ontology for
the Semantic Web and its Applications, in Working Notes of the
AAAI-2002 Workshop on Ontologies and the Semantic Web.
- Pease, A., Niles, I., (2002),
Practical Semiotics: A Formal Theory, Proceedings of
the IEEE 2002 International Conference on Information and Knowledge
Engineering, Las Vegas, NV, pp 3-7.
- Pease, A., Niles, I., (2002),
IEEE Standard Upper
Ontology: A Progress Report, Knowledge Engineering Review,
Special Issue on Ontologies and Agents, Vol 17.
- Pease, A., (2001), Evaluation of
Intelligent Systems: The High Performance Knowledge Bases and IEEE Standard
Upper Ontology Projects, invited position paper, in Proceedings of
the 2001 workshop on Measuring Performance and Intelligence Of Intelligent
Systems (PERMIS 2001).
- Niles, I., & Pease, A., (2001),
Toward a Standard Upper Ontology, in Proceedings
of the 2nd International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information
Systems (FOIS-2001), Chris Welty and Barry Smith, eds, pp2-9.
- Li, J., Pease, A., Barbee, C., (2001),
Performance of Semantic Search,
Teknowledge Technical report, June 15, 2001.
- Pease, A., Liuzzi, R., & Gunning, D., (2001), Knowledge Bases, in Encylopedia of Software Engineering,
Second Edition, ed. J Marciniak, Vol1, pp696-704, Wiley & Sons, NY.
- Niles, I., & Pease, A., (2001), Origins
of the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology, in Working Notes of the
IJCAI-2001 Workshop on the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology.
- Halcomb, J. & Pease, A., (2001), On
treating negation within XSB (and upon extending XSB programming with a form
of logical negation, and its relations to existing varieties of logic
programming), in Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium 2001
Workshop on Answer Set Programming.
- Pease, A., Chaudhri, V., Lehmann, F., and Farquhar, A., (2000),
Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High
Performance Knowledge Bases Project, In A. Cohn, F. Giunchiglia, and B.
Selman, editors, KR-2000: Proceedings of the Conference on Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning. Breckenridge, CO, USA, 12-15 April 2000,
San Mateo, CA, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann.
- Li, J., Condoravdi, C., and Pease, A., (2000), From Visual
to Logical Representation: A GIS-Based Sketching Tool for Reasoning about
Plans, Teknowledge Technical report, January 9.
- Cohen, P., Chaudhri, V., Pease A., and Schrag, R. (1999),
Does Prior Knowledge Facilitate the Development of
Knowledge Based Systems, In Proceedings of the Sixteenth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-1999). Menlo Park, Calif.:
AAAI Press.
- Cohen, P., Schrag, R., Jones, E., Pease, A., Lin, A., Starr, B., Gunning,
D., and Burke, M. (1998), The DARPA High Performance
Knowledge Bases Project, AI Magazine, Vol. 19 No.4, Winter.
- Pease, A., (1998), "The Warplan:
A Method Independent Plan Schema", In L. de Barros, R. Benjamins, Y.
Shahar, A. Tate, and A. Valente, editors, Proceedings of the AIPS 1998
Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition for Planning. AAAI
Technical Report WS-98-03.
- Pease, A., (1998), Using Large Ontologies
to Enable Semantic Interoperability of Problem Solvers, Teknowledge
technical report, March 28.
- Pease, A., & Carrico, T., (1997), "JTF-ATD Core Plan
Representation: A Progress Report" Proceedings of the AAAI Spring
Symposium on Ontological Engineering.
- Pease, A., & Carrico, T., (1997), Object Modelling Working
Group Core Plan Representation, Armstrong Lab, AL/HR-TP-96-9631.
- Pease, A., (1995), Case-MIDAS:
A Reactive Planning Architecture for the Man-machine Interactive Design and
Analysis System, in Proceedings of AIAA Computing in Aerospace
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